People watch lots and lots of videos on a regular basis and it’s not possible for them to remember each and every video they watch. If they just forget an animated explainer video after watching one then it means it wasn’t effective enough to reach marketing goals. Just watching the video is not enough people must remember you’re video and especially your brand afterwards.
The power of animated explainer videos is that within a few seconds, the true essence of your brand is highlighted. Let’s look at a few reasons why all brands should have a marketing video for promotions.
The power of animated explainer videos is that within a few seconds, the true essence of your brand is highlighted. Let’s look at a few reasons why all brands should have a marketing video for promotions.
A way to get closer to your Audience
Only when you build a close, deep connection with the audience only then they come close to your brand. It’s important to give them something they can relate to. An excellent way of doing that is by creating custom characters. When the characters resemble the target audience. This is a famous trick that’s used in movies so why not in animated explainer videos? When age, looks, clothes, profession of the viewers and character matches, an immediate identification and strong emotions grows between the two, This way your brand will always be remembered long after the video has been viewed.
Identification with Brand Colors
There are other ways to create brand awareness other than customization of characters. Growing brand awareness within target audience is possible with customization of backgrounds, character’s clothing, landscapes etc. Animation studios and their creative team work up a strategy, where the brand’s presence is felt throughout the entire video and not just in the logo at the end of the animated explainer video. Using your brand’s color in the video is a strong statement that it’s YOUR brand behind that story and those cute characters.
Online presence of the Brand
While on the way to enhancing branding, following the above mentioned tips are highly useful and effective. But there’s another way you can reach your targeted marketing objectives is by strengthening your brand’s online identity.
Online businesses thrive on their presence on the internet. But if you’re not an online-based business then it’s essential that you have a resonant presence on the Internet. Use your brand colors, put characters of your animated explainer video on website headers and banners. And yes of course, uploading them on social media sites such as Youtube and Facebook, and company’s landing page.
These tips are guaranteed measures for brand awareness that not only increases sales but helps boosts conversion rates too with the power animated videos.
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